
To become the engineering service partner


To become the one-stop service provider in a telecommunication business, information technology, data, and energy network by supplying, designing, installing, and maintaining to create and deliver quality, innovative engineering services to our customers.

The goal of Business Operation


  • Maintain stability and continuity of significant customer base by focusing on giving customers the best satisfaction from their purchases or receiving services from the Company.

  • Expand the business’s scope to be more diverse according to the increased expertise and experience of the Company to diversify the risk of relying on a single large customer. In addition to the design, procurement, and installation of telecommunication system equipment, government’s telecommunication projects, and other projects from the private sector, the Company has also expanded its work scope to electricity and building structure scopes.

  • Added new business ally distributing equipment to increase competitive potential and opportunity in receiving more tasks related to telecommunication, information technology, and electrical system.

  • Increase operational efficiency by continuously develop knowledge and abilities of the Company’s personnel to support the future expansion of business.